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Koorie Programs

Koorie Employment programs

Whitelion, 155 Roden Street, West
Melbourne. Ph. 03 8354 0800

The Youth Employment Scheme is a one-year paid traineeship in the Victorian Public Service, where you will be working in Victorian government departments and agencies, supported by mentors and building skills for an ongoing career.

Koorie Youth Justice Program

operates throughout the department's metropolitan and rural regions

The Koori Youth Justice Program, provides community-based early intervention and prevention response, providing culturally safe support for Aboriginal young people that are at risk of entering, or re-entering, the criminal justice system. Delivered by Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations across the state, the Program actively protects young Aboriginal people from offending behaviour by strengthening family and community protective factors. This includes providing relevant cultural programs, supports and assistance to Aboriginal young people at risk of disengaging from school to help them remain in school. Camping and other “connecting to culture” activities are also held to help Aboriginal young people engage in pro-social activities with the community and reduce the risk of offending.

Koorie Support – Ngaga -Dji (Hear Me)

For Koorie young people

Ngaga-dji is driving change in Victoria’s Youth Justice system to support Aboriginal children to thrive in their communities. They seek stories from the heart, about love, trauma, strength, discrimination and healing. They are about justice and equality. Children’s stories are used to help inform solutions to reduce recidivism and rates of intersections with the youth justice system

Koorie Youth Council

For Koorie young people

The Koorie Youth Council (KYC) is the representative body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people in Victoria. Led by an Executive of 15 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people and our state-wide members, KYC values the diversity and strength of young people as decisionmakers. KYC advocates to government and community to advance the rights and representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people. By hosting events like the annual Koorie Youth Summit, KYC brings Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people together to amplify their voices for social change and provide an advocacy service for Koorie young people.

Helping Indigenous Australians Find work

For Koorie young people

Indigenous jobseekers are matched to employment opportunities tagged by employers for candidates identified as Indigenous. Youth Justice is also working closely with the Aboriginal community to roll out an Elder support program for Aboriginal children and young people across youth justice centres, in consultation

Korin Gamadji Institute (KGI) Leadership program

As part of the intake process, eligible young Koorie women will be linked to this program.

Korin Gamadji Institute (KGI) is auspiced by the Richmond Football Club and deliceres a wide range of programs for Aboriginal young people. Including a leadership program for young Aboriginal women at Parkville Youth Justice centre. KGI has worked with Aboriginal Liaison Officers to provide this culturally specific program, which focuses on cultural identity, mental health, wellbeing, yarning circles, confidence, leadership and mindfulness training. Youth Justice is also working closely with the Aboriginal community to roll out an Elder support program for Aboriginal children and young people across youth justice centres, in consultation with local Aboriginal organisations.

Koorie Youth Traineeships

For more information, contact Henry Purcell:

03 9287 8800

37 Cecil Street, South Melbourne VIC 3205

Delivered by McKillop Family Services in partnership with the Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency (VACCA), this program links Koorie young people aged 17 -25 years to traineeship positions to kick start their career in a range of industries including: Finance, Community Relations, IT Support and Administration

Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency (VACCA)– Nugel Program

340 Bell Street, Preston VIC 3072 Phone: (03) 9287 8800

The VACCA Nugel (Wurunderi for ‘belong’) program works with the Department of Health and Human Services to support the wellbeing of indigenous children on protection orders by transferring the power to decide on issues impacting these children. VACCA will then make key decisions about each child in a culturally inclusive way.

VACCA Early Intervention Programs

340 Bell Street, Preston VIC 3072 Phone: (03) 9287 8800

VACCA offers a range of support services for families and children that promote the child’s growth and development focusing on positive parenting and family interaction. They also provide a wide range of programs from youth services, to choirs to promote cultural awareness, belonging and well-being

Koorie Heritage Trust

For Koorie young people

The Koorie Heritage Trust run a variety of programs to encourage cultural connectivity and pride in their community, many programs are suitable for young people and can provide a range of well-being supports including gaining new friends, exposure to people of different ages and interpretations of their world. They also run programs for schools to engage more closely with indigenous culture.

Image by Victor Garcia

Melbourne Aboriginal Youth & Sport Recreation Co-operative

As part of the intake process, eligible young Koorie women will be linked to this program.

Korin Gamadji Institute (KGI) is auspiced by the Richmond Football Club and deliceres a wide range of programs for Aboriginal young people. Including a leadership program for young Aboriginal women at Parkville Youth Justice centre. KGI has worked with Aboriginal Liaison Officers to provide this culturally specific program, which focuses on cultural identity, mental health, wellbeing, yarning circles, confidence, leadership and mindfulness training. Youth Justice is also working closely with the Aboriginal community to roll out an Elder support program for Aboriginal children and young people across youth justice centres, in consultation with local Aboriginal organisations.

Victorian Aboriginal Community Services Association

496 High Street, Northcote, VIC 3070
9416 4266

The Victorian Aboriginal Community Services Association Ltd (VACSAL) is a statewide agency that provides advice to government on a range of community development issues as well as being a major provider of extensive services to the Aboriginal community in both the metropolitan and some regional communities these services include homelessness/housing services, young men’s support groups and the Best Start program (for Aboriginal children).

Victorian Aboriginal Education Association

Charles Solomon Melbourne Metropolitan 144 Westbourne Grove Northcote VIC 3070
9481 0800

VAEAI is the peak organisation for Aboriginal Education in Victoria and work with schools to ensure they have high expectations of Koorie students, deliver high quality, inclusive education programs and respect Koorie culture. They also advocate on behalf of the Aboriginal community and oversee the Wurreka brokers initiative which supports young Koories to take up training in the VET sector via TAFE.

Victorian Aboriginal Health Service

186 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy, 3065
9419 3000

As well as access to Koorie medical staff, VAHS also provide allied health services, community support service and family counselling programs.
The Victorian Aboriginal Health Service (VAHS) was established in 1973 to address the specific medical needs of Victorian indigenous communities.

Victorian Aboriginal Legal Services

For Koorie young people

VALS provides legal services to the Aboriginal community including young Koorie students.

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