School Industry Engagement
A range of Initatives and programs aimed at supporting vulnerable young people
We develop and deliver a range of initiatives and programs aimed at supporting vulnerable young people to understand the world of work and make informed decisions. We develop a range of initiatives and programs designed to support secondary school students to optimise their retention, attendance, education achievement and successful transitions no matter what the destination. The City LLEN collaborates and forms partnerships with industry, community and government to create opportunities for students to gain access to industry, to learn about a careers and the contemporary world of work and the skills needed to manage their careers and transition to TAFE, University, Apprenticeships/Traineeships or employment. We build strategic partnerships to identify meaningful local solutions and build community capacity to enrich the outcomes for young people, focusing on those most at-risk including refugees and migrant young people, homeless and at-risk of homelessness, students experiencing multiple barriers to participation, youth justice clients and other issues preventing them from reaching their potential.
We understand the 2020 Pandemic has created a lot of uncertainty in the areas where we work; schools and industry and that we will need to be agile and quick to adapt and support our young people when the labour market begins to return. Supported by the City LLEN Committee of Management to continually develop new ideas and initiatives we are doing our best to support our schools in this difficult year. Hang in there and be safe.
Careers Advice/School Support
We can provide students and parents with advice and information on how to navigate the education system.
Our work varies depending on the needs and issues impacting the young people coming into the city of Melbourne and attending our schools.
The City LLEN provides one on one careers counselling in partnership with the Royal Children’s Hospital to ensure students with a chronic illness are provided with the information and support needed to make informed decisions about their educaaiton and pathways. For more information download our flyer here.
Read about our work in our Annual Reports under the Resources and Publications section here.
On Track Connect
This program provides referral support and advice to early school leavers and Year 12 students early in the year after they complete their education if they are not participating in further education or employment. Access to this service is arranged when students complete their enrolment paperwork at their school prior to leaving school.