
Connecting Secondary Students
with Employment Opportunities
The City LLEN collaborates and forms partnerships with businesses, community, and government to create opportunities for students to gain access to industry, learn about careers, and develop the skills needed to manage their transition to TAFE, university, apprenticeships / traineeships and/or employment.
We build strategic partnerships to identify meaningful local solutions and build community capacity to enrich the outcomes for young people, focusing on those most at-risk including refugees and migrant young people, homeless and at-risk of homelessness, students experiencing multiple barriers to participation, and students in contact with the justice system.
We support initiatives such as work experience, structured workplace learning, industry immersion events, mentoring, and community services. We partner with a diverse range of businesses and community organisations, from Myer and Marriott Hotels, to the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and the Royal Melbourne Hospital, to the Brotherhood of St Laurence and Inner Melbourne Community Legal.
If your business or organisation is interested in connecting with us, please get in touch on the Get Involved page.