
Work experience is the short-term placement of secondary school students, generally during Years 9 and 10, with employers to provide insights into industry and the workplace.
Students are placed with employers primarily to observe and learn – not to undertake activities which require training or expertise.
Work Experience Placements
Currently the City LLEN has work experience placements in the following industries:​
Creative Industries
Working with animals
Transport and logistics
Work experience is an important step in a student's journey towards employment. It gives them a glimpse into what working life in their industry of interest looks like day-to-day and allows for them to make informed decisions when it comes to future study.
Employers also enjoy significant benefits such as:​​
Promotion of their industry and themselves as employer of choice
Contribution to corporate social responsibility programs
Raising their profile in the community by supporting the next generation of workers
Provision of learning opportunities for the existing workforce, particularly in training practices
All of these benefits come courtesy of a process managed entirely by the City LLEN. It's simple: we do the paperwork and find the right student for you, and they are covered by the Department of Education's insurance.​​
For more information contact our Work Experience Coordinator:
​Laura Charlton
Email: lauracharlton@cityllen.org.au
Phone: 0488 859 698