
Structured Workplace Learning
The Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) program links secondary school students studying Vocational Education and Training (VET), the VCE Vocational Major (VM), VCE Industry and Enterprise, and the Vocational Pathways Certificate with industry placements that match the Certificate they are completing.
The LLEN network is the official provider of these services on behalf of the Victorian Department of Education.
SWL Placements
Crucial Experience for Students,
Valuable Investment for Industries
Currently the City LLEN has SWL placements in the following industries:​
Creative Industries
Community Services and Health
Transport and logistics
Students gain important experience in their vocations of study, building confidence and completing Certification requirements -- but they are not the only beneficiaries of SWL placements!
Employers enjoy significant benefits such as:​​
Promotion of their industry and themselves as employer of choice
Contribution to corporate social responsibility programs
Raising their profile in the community by supporting the next generation of workers
Provision of learning opportunities for the existing workforce, particularly in training practices
All of these benefits come courtesy of a process managed entirely by the City LLEN. It's simple: we do the paperwork and find the right student for you, and they are covered by the Department of Education's insurance.​​
For more information contact our Workplace Learning Coordinator:
​Wendy Dalkiran.
Email: wendydalkiran@cityllen.org.au
Phone: 0435 421 376